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Photoshop Fun

I was a member of Photoshop competition site which was based in New York called Worth1000. It became very well known and the artwork was featured in many newspapers and publications. Every 2 days there was a new competition with a theme for all of us contestants. Entries were then voted on by other members and ranked by skill and popularity awarding gold, silver and bronze medals for the top three.


Being a member of the site really helped me learn many new techniques in Photoshop, the knowledge sharing was incredible, and the forum help and tutorials were invaluable. All my entries made it into the top places, with over half of them receiving a medal. Here is a selection of a few of my entries, along with a brief explanation of the aim of the competition.


Please click on the image to see it in full view!

My Worth1000 profile page

My Worth1000 profile page

Screengrab showing my awards.

Silhouette. 'Dancing Horse'

Silhouette. 'Dancing Horse'

RULES: Silhouettes are an important art form, from iPod commercials to movie-opening James Bond ladies, silhouettes give an ordinary picture a dramatic perspective. The assignment was to create new silhouette art

Jive Critters. 'Cat Can-Can'

Jive Critters. 'Cat Can-Can'

RULES: In this contest we want you to show us animals dancing their little hearts out. You can dress them up or leave them as they are, just as long as they're dancing up a storm!

Graffiti Ren. 'Bouguereau'

Graffiti Ren. 'Bouguereau'

RULES: Classical art. Modern graffiti... too many people think they're worlds apart, but to us they're just crying out to be brought together! We want you to add modern-style graffiti to classical artworks.

Pork Chops. 'Smokey bacon'

Pork Chops. 'Smokey bacon'

RULES: Your challenge in this contest is to Photoshop a pig in any way you want. Your entry can be humorous or quite elegant.

Animal Flicks. 'LEON-LION'

Animal Flicks. 'LEON-LION'

RULES: Recast the movie of your choice with an animal. Take the film title and replace one letter in keeping with your idea and then Photoshop the new version.

Miraculous Mugs. 'Johnny Depp'

Miraculous Mugs. 'Johnny Depp'

RULES: We've all heard the story of the grilled cheese sandwich that had an image of the Mother of Christ appear on it, so in this contest we want you to show a famous face (celebrity, character) forming in a mysterious manner in an unexpected place.

Preserve 'Em. Pickled Tarsier

Preserve 'Em. Pickled Tarsier

RULES: What is our world coming to? All the species are becoming extinct and in generations to come, the only place you will ever see any living creature will be behind glass. In this contest, we want you to preserve 'em...pickle 'em, jar 'em, we don't care... just preserve them for our future generations' viewing pleasure!

Child Ren. 'Botticelli_Incredibles'

Child Ren. 'Botticelli_Incredibles'

RULES: You rarely see youngsters going to art museums these days, so in this contest, we're asking you to fix their oversight and encourage them by 'fixing' any old master with a character from the world of children's entertainment.

Gate. 'Night Walk'

Gate. 'Night Walk'

RULES: Manipulate the image provided in any way you like. This was my first entry on, where I learnt to change a daytime scene into a night scene. The link here will take you to the original image before I Photoshopped it.

The croquet scene

The croquet scene

RULES: This is a speed competition! You have just one day to create any scene from a Lewis Carroll book.

Frankensteins pets.

Frankensteins pets.

RULES: Create artificial animal hybrids such as Doctor Frankenstein would have made, and show the stitching together of unmatched animal parts to make a patchwork creature.

Celebrity Time Travel.

Celebrity Time Travel.

RULES: Place a celebrity in any time period and setting foreign to their own, either bringing them from the past into now, or vice-versa. [Liv Tyler & Viggo Mortensen]

Nerdy animals.

Nerdy animals.

RULES: Using Photoshop we want you to create some highly educated animals. Nerds, if you will!

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